Monday, November 2, 2009

Commuting – November 2nd

Lake Valentine SunriseI took the SV650 today. It was great to see a sunrise while riding to work on a weekday. It was a crisp 35F and very clear skies.
I am still without my heated vest, so I put on an extra coat under my riding gear. It seemed to do the job pretty well on the slow side streets. I hope to get a working vest tomorrow.

On the way in, I played around with my new cell phone and the GPS software. I can create GPX and KML track files now! Which means I can geotag photos from my regular camera and make neat map images like this one.
The steps:
  1. Sync the time on the GPS and the camera (critical!)
  2. Start the track file on the GPS
  3. Export the photos from the camera
  4. Export the track file as a GPX from the GPS
  5. Use the GPX file to add GPS data to the photos. I used PhotoMapper.
  6. Upload photos to Flickr and they show up on the map!
I just picked PhotoMapper because it showed up near the top of my google search. I will play with some other software too to see which ones work nicely. I am already frustrated with PhotoMapper because it doesn’t support drag and drop.

I found some time this weekend to play with my new Xscorpion DVM3R voltmeters.
Xscorpion VoltmeterXscorpion Voltmeter Xscorpion Voltmeter
Xscorpion Voltmeter
I purchased two of them. One is going to go on my SV650 and the other is temporarily soldered to a battery tender cable to make it portable, but will likely get permanently attached to the Super9.
The BatteryTender-Voltmeter combo
volt meter combine with battery tender cable

My prototype mount for the voltmeter on the SV650. I have it bolted on, but I don’t have the wires hooked up yet. It is bolted to the bar riser on the right side of the handlebar. If you’re paying attention, you’ll notice I put the mounting holes horizontally when the holes on the voltmeter are vertical. I had to drill new holes to make it work.
volt meter mounting bracketvolt meter mounted on SV650


  1. Chris:

    I wished that I could save tracks and do what you did. I would like to be able to transfer this file to someone else, or input the "tracks" into my Garmin. But I think my Garmin can't do it, I need a more expensive higher model
    I haven't opened my X-Scorpion yet. Is it waterproof ?
    I also saw a great sunrise this morning, but nowhere to safely stop on the highway. The orange sun was completely outlined behind a fog layer, it was a great shot - LOST

    bobskoot: wet coast scootin

  2. Bob,

    I thought all Garmin GPS could make a track file. Maybe you just need the right software to get the track off your GPS. I've heard this one is good.

    I don't think the X-scorpion is waterproof. I intend to make it waterproof with some hotglue. :)

    I feel your pain, I have missed so many good shots because there wasn't enough room to safely pull over.

