Sunday, January 31, 2010

1Down4Up Ice Race – January 31


A friend and I watched the 1Down4Up Ice Race in North Center Lake in Center City, MN today. I wanted to take the Ural, but with my heated gloves not working right it wouldn’t have worked. Fifty miles is too far to ride at 5F with no heated gloves, and then sit outside all day before riding back. It sure would have been fun to take the Ural on the track though.

It wasn’t a big event. There were only about thirty racers spread across seventeen different events with no more than three to five out at once. The track was small (1/4 mile modified oval) which made spectating much easier as you could see the entire track from any other point on the track.

Above is a shot of the “road” across the lake.

panorama photos

Here you can see all the cars lined that attended the ice race. and a panorama of the track below:

Panorama of the track

It was fun looking at all the different bikes before and between the races.

IMGP6539 IMGP6540 IMGP6541 IMGP6564 kid ice bike kid ice studs IMGP6643 IMGP6644

Below you can see how many of the racers kept their hands warm while on waiting to pull onto the starting grid.

keeping the hands warm

Entire families came to the event with lots of them having every family member race.

whole family race

I like this bike and the DIY ice fenders.


I had fun trying to catch the racers with my camera as they flew by. It proved to be quite challenging and I took a lot of photos. One of the strangest bikes we saw was this custom chopper with studded ice tires riding around the track during one of the breaks. He went around about six times and only crashed once.


The fire department was on hand in case anyone crashed badly. Other than the chopper above, we only saw one other bike go down in the middle of the race. He got right back up and kept riding.


I made a video of the event and posted it to Vimeo:

The video is also on Youtube if you prefer.

I couldn’t decide which photos to keep, so enjoy the next string of thumbnails. :) The entire flickr set is here.

IMGP6559IMGP6561 IMGP6572IMGP6573IMGP6584IMGP6587IMGP6588IMGP6590IMGP6591IMGP6593IMGP6594IMGP6611IMGP6612


UPDATE: Cycle News Article about the day.


  1. Man.. thats crazy.. the cold doesn't stop you up north riders at all!!

  2. LOL. The cold stops most of the riders... I haven't seen anyone out riding on the streets since last year...

    the right gear, and it's not cold at all. :)

  3. wow! That place was so very cold. And you have fun having your ice motor racing there. Amazing!!!!

  4. I was, unfortunately, just a spectator. Someday I'll get to race myself.
