Saturday, April 24, 2010

Uraling with a Manfrotto

My friend called me up the other night and was bragging how he had the entire week off of work. He suggested I take a day off too, so we could play with bikes and cameras. Fun!

The first thing we did was get the Ural naked.




naked Ural

We removed the lower leg fairings, the windshield, and the sidecar windshield. The Ural seems to have a bit more energy without those big sails on. It was also much quieter as neither of us experienced any buffeting.

I also switched to my other riding coat since the hi-viz is a bit intense in photos.


My friend took a lot of photos of me riding my different bikes. He was really impressed with the T2i.


He said it was very light compared to other DSLRs he’s used. He also liked how easy it was to get good photos without a lot of effort.  Since I started taking photos with the T2i, I haven’t had to edit many photos in picnik. I’m already in love with it, so I’m biased.

Ural turning right

ural turning right

Ural turning left

ural turning left

Hanging off the Ural around corners is important to keep weight on the outside of the tip over line to prevent the rig from capsizing. It’s very easy to get one of the rear wheels off the ground if you’re not careful.

The videos below are partially inspired by bobskoot and partially mapperjay. Bob knows cameras better than I and turned me onto the Manfrotto line of goodies. I picked up a Manfrotto 680B monopod a few weeks back. I mounted the GoPro HD on top of the monopod with the tripod adapter. We had a lot of fun making the video. Enjoy!

goproHD + monopod 

Vimeo Video:

Youtube Video:


  1. Chris, very cool, fun video! I have a big Manfrotto tripod that holds very heavy lenses, which I use to hold a 400mm whopper. It is rock solid on that thing. BTW, that jacket looks like a Tourmaster Transition, I bought one for my husband for Christmas--yours is the same color as one I bought for myself. His is hi-viz blinding limeish. Fun, fun post!

  2. Hey I received a preview You Tube video notification and watched the amazing footage from those great angles. I am glad to see this blog go up to comment! The angles reverse and side facing toward you both are great because you get to see the scene and also the riding experience of both you and the passenger. Looks very fun and of course having experienced the ride myself I can for sure confirm that your sidecar is quite a riot for both the passenger and all the onlookers!

  3. Sharon: Thanks! Wow a 400mm?! Yes, It is a Tourmaster Transition2. I bought it last year, and I like it quite a bit. I also have a Tourmaster Epic. I like the Epic a bit more though.

    UnquenchableOne: Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you liked the video, and thanks for subscribing on youtube. We should go for a ride again. Let me know when!

  4. Chris:

    I really liked those different POV's, sort of following in Gary's footsteps. I'm guessing that your passenger was able to hold the monopod in different positions without really stopping. I'm trying to set up different mounting points but I still have to keep stopping to move the camera around.

    bobskoot: wet coast scootin

  5. Bob: Thanks. I didn't see Gary's video until last night, and this was filmed a few days ago. Great minds think a like!

    I wanted my passenger to move the camera around without stopping, but unfortunately, that didn't happen. He didn't really have any ideas, so we had to stop for each camera angle change. Too bad the GoProHd's are $300. I'd buy a couple more! >:)
