Friday, February 11, 2011

Good Customer Service: GoPro

This winter has been the winter of gear failure. I’ve had two zippers on riding pants fail, a zipper on my coat, my temperature controller, and the top buckle for my GoPro HD camera. I was surprised when it broke; the GoPro is extremely sturdy.

broken top buckle on GoPro HD

The top buckle seals the two halves of the housing together. It broke when trying to close it last weekend. All of the mounts attach to the housing, so it is near impossible to use the camera on my Ural without it.

I emailed GoPro with the above photo and a copy of my receipt. They wrote me back the next business day and told me they were going to send out a new buckle under my one year warranty. I’m lucky as the warranty runs up at the end of this month!

It arrived today, and I am back in business for making videos. A very timely fix as I will be filming some ice racing this weekend. I’m impressed with how fast the warranty service was. Thanks GoPro!!


  1. While I'm sorry it broke in the first place, I'm glad to hear your dealings with them were hassle free. Good to know.

    The Hero is pretty freakin' great <3

  2. Fuzzygalore: The Hero is awesome! I use mine all the time.

  3. Chris:

    one of my metal mount clips broke so I bought another "bag of mounts" from . I never claimed on warranty. I know there have been issues with your buckle from the GoPro forum but I am very careful to cradel the housing in my hand and gently squeeze it shut. Too bad you can't charge the battery from outside the case

    Wet Coast Scootin

  4. Bob: If you get the "skeleton case" you can charge through the case. I wouldn't care much about a broken sticky mount either, but to get a new buckle you have to buy a new case which is $40! I couldn't find anywhere to buy it separately.

    I will copy you and be more careful in the future.

  5.'s good that you didn't tell them about running in those sub-zero temps! : )

    Good to hear they stand by their product. Now to get that clip-on lcd screen so you can see what the camera is seeing.....


    Colorado Motorcycle Travel Examiner

    Redleg's Rides

  6. Dom: LOL. It broke in the nice warm house. It worked great in the subzero!

    Bah, you don't need a clip on screen, just more practice filming. :)

  7. Don't you just love good customer service! I found the same with GoPro when I had a small problem with something - they sent a replacement to me and it arrived in the UK from California within just a few days.

  8. Gary: I do! I just wish it happened with more regularity and consistency across the board.
