Tuesday, August 23, 2011

SV650 in 3D

Get your 3D glasses out! Using my new GoPro 3D Housing, I can use my two GoProHDs to make 3D video. I don’t have a fancy 3D display – just old fashion red-cyan glasses that you can get for free or cheap. I’ve found the videos work best at full screen, 1080p, in a slightly darker room. YouTube has options to pick which type of 3D best suits your equipment (if any) by clicking the “3D” button. You can also turn it off and watch in normal 2D. My one complaint about using red-cyan is that it makes my SV look brown instead of red.

YouTube Video: SV650 in 3D


  1. Dear Chris:

    As it turns out, I have been looking at life through rose-colored glasses for years. My introduction to 3-D movies was the great Vincent Price cinema classic, "The Wax Museum." The biggest special effect of that movie was having things come flying out of the screen.

    On a motorcycle, the last thing I want is things flying at me. Cool trick though, Dude.

    Fondest regards,
    Twisted Roads

  2. Chris,

    Neat. I wish I had glasses to actually do this. I will just close my eyes and remember the SV I saw on the road while on this summer's trip. Mmmm.

    Behind Bars - Motorcycles and Life

  3. Dear Jack: A pity I didn't get to see the fabulous rose-colored glasses you wear. Wasn't the wax museum the first 3D movie ever?


    Brady: I used the red-cyan glasses (the old style 3D) McDonalds and other restaurants have been giving them away lately.

  4. Everytime I see your 2001 SV650, I long for my old 2001 SV650. NEVER should have sold it. NEVER!

    You and the bike look cool in 3D ;-)

    1. Thanks. You should buy another one. they are cheap now!
