Sunday, January 22, 2012

Santa Rides a Polar Bear (SBC#5)

Santa Rides a Polar Bear

Previously I posted about the “Polar Bear Crossing” sign we found in South Padre Island, TX. Down the block and around the corner, I found this yard completely decked out.

Santa Rides a Polar Bear

I need to find a penguin for my Ural. Anyone know where I can get one?

Here is another vlog from South Padre Island with some ocean at the end.

YouTube: Santa Rides a Polar Bear


  1. Penguin. Even made in the USofA

    I was impressed. You went around both the sign and the scoot.

    1. I was thinking of you while I was doing it. Is that weird?

  2. That looks like a Tux penguin (the official mascot of the Linux kernel).

  3. You actually saw polar bears... ok, made of inflatable rubber, but hey, the sign was not wrong!
    Did you get 'the eye' when you did your pole dance this time?

    I loved the last bit of the beach the most.

    1. no eye for pole dancing this time, but maybe they were secretly filming me from one of the condos?! better check youtube.

      the beach was our favorite too ;)

  4. Great video. A pole dance and a polar bear......

    I think seeing the turtles and the birds would be my favorite part of visiting the island. It is nice to see things you don't see at home.

    1. I see a theme here...

      the turtles were very cool, and a bit sad to learn we nearly wiped them off the planet. from over a million down to 3,000 and now back up to ~40,000.

      the birds were cool too. the egrets and herons we have in MN during summer, so it was neat to see where they hideout during winter. I'm thinking we should copy them.
