Monday, July 15, 2013

Annual Rideable Days

Annual Ridable Days Map

On a recent trip to Aerostich, I saw this map taped to the counter. How many days would you like to ride? An interesting listing of the average amount of rideable days around the country. A rideable day is defined by temperatures between 25F and 95F.

Minneapolis is listed as 253 days. In the last year, I’ve ridden in temps on either side of that range. I have to say the lower end was more comfortable than the higher end! I find it interesting that Anchorage almost has as many days as Minneapolis, and that Minneapolis has more than Houston. hmm. San Francisco and Honolulu are at 365. Nice.

Do you agree with the number for your area?

1 comment:

  1. Yep, sounds about right though the ice on the roads stop most riders. There are some that stud their tires and look forward to the snow and ice.

    What is the size of the number indicate? The number of registered bikes in an area, the population, or miles of nice motorcycle roads?
