Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Visitors from Alaska

rmachida at minnehaha falls

This past weekend, we were fortunate to have Richard Machida and his wife Bridget visiting from Fairbanks. They had come down to Minnesota to spend thanksgiving with Bridget’s son.

The photo above is Richard taking a photo of the partially frozen Minnehaha Falls in Minneapolis. The photo below is the Ford Parkway Bridge connecting Minneapolis and St. Paul over the Mississippi River which is partially frozen.

ford parkway bridge over frozen mississippi river

They stayed the weekend at our place. I had a fun time showing them around Minneapolis. We did most of the touring in their rental car. It would have been a bit cold for Bridget on the Ural. It wasn’t quite cold enough to take them out on a frozen lake yet either. Another couple weeks and we should be good.

It was nice to catch up from our visit last summer. Richard, you’re both welcome to come back any time.

You can read about Richard’s experience in the Twin Cites on his blog here. He took some nice photos including one of me on the Ural:


PS: It’s been snowing since Richard left MN. It’s also predicted to get down to –15F in the next day or so. It seems he left a little AK behind. :-)


  1. Great guests always bring a present..... :)

    I like the pic of the bridge arches reflected in the water.

    1. Yes, they do.

      If you like the bride pic, check it out in summer when the reflection is on water instead of ice:

  2. Chris:

    I like the photo of frozen Minnehaha Falls. We don't get cold enough to see those. It's always nice to meet up with old friends and show them around

    Riding the Wet Coast

    1. Thanks Bob. Yes, it is great to catch up with friends.

  3. Great pictures Chris. And so nice that you were able to host Richard and Bridget for the weekend and play tour guide.

    1. We had a great time chatting. Too bad they aren't a bit closer.

  4. Thank you for the excellent tour. I enjoyed seeing the falls but mostly being able to visit.

    1. Thanks for coming to visit. I enjoyed the visiting the most too.

  5. Hasn't been cold enough here yet to have that kind of freeze. Lovely ice forms in the pix. Should have asked Richard to take the cold weather back to Alaska!

    Steve Williams
    Scooter in the Sticks

    1. It didn't quite get down to -15... only -6. Thanks. I had fun taking the ice pics. I'm enjoying playing in the snow. It makes winter almost worth it ;)
