This last weekend was the TC Dual Sport Tech Day hosted by my friend Paul. The day is for folks to get together talk about motorcycles and get some maintenance work done with friends. There is usually a few people doing tires and at least one KLR doohickey mod.

My WR250R needs tires, battery, and few other odds and ends to make it safe to ride. I thought about riding it over with the tires strapped to my back somehow, but I was feeling lazy. I decided to take my Super9 instead.

It was REALLY nice weather compared to past years. It was sunny and almost 80F by the time I left around noon. This plum tree in Paul’s front yard smelled amazing. I can’t wait until mine is as large.

Paul is a good bike mechanic and has a nice selection of tools. He was also kind enough to brew up some coffee. You can see him below helping someone break a stuck nut loose on a KLR.

Not many motorcycles showed up compared to previous years. Usually there is 10-20 people, but this year there were less than 10 (see related posts below). Everyone else seemed to be riding a KLR except for me.

My lonely Super9 surrounded by Kawasakis.

Another KLR getting ready to do the doohickey mod. I can’t say I know exactly what it is, but it seems really popular in the KLR community.

I had a nice time chatting with friends and meeting some new ones. One of these evenings I will get motivated and swap the tires on the WR.
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